Thursday, April 1, 2010

hair on hold

So unfortunately I'm not going to be able to do hair for about a month and a half. =( This morning as I was headed out to do the usual day off errands I may have hit the guy in front of me at a stop light. The Mazda wasn't harmed toooooooo much, but unfortunately my wrist can't claim the same. The air bag was deployed and my hand happened to be in the wrong place. Ryan and I spent all day in the ER only to discover that I now have a hairline fracture in my radius. oh fun. How crappy is this though? The last time I had a cast it was made of this awesome plaster of Paris stuff that was easily taggable. I was kind of expecting the same thing -despite the fact that the medical industry has had at least twenty years of advancement since then. The new stuff, albeit baby blue, is so rough and fibrous that you can barely get a set of initials on that cast without destroying your sharpie. It sucks! Everything about this cast is so extremely annoying ESPECIALLY typing. All I have to work with good old lefty is a couple of fingertips and a thumb that occasionally makes an appearance. On the up side, Ryan will be doing a lot more for me around the house; cleaning, cooking, massaging my feet, typical servant boy stuff. I'm already thinking of possible outfits for him to don. ...something slutty. Hey, whatever it takes to distract from the tight annoying cast right?
I guess it's a kind of a good thing that the cast has put me out of commission work-wise, because we're down to one car now while they decide if the Mazda is salvageable. I'm secretly hoping it's not, because obviously the only thing that's kept us from getting a Maserati is the fact that we already have a Mazda that's been in perfect working condition. So we'll see I guess. Maybe THAT's what I'll do all day long. shop online for Maseratis. (just in case).
oh, ps, my hair is dark now. Even though the red/orange was really pretty and I've never had so many people say to me, "is that your natural color?" or "oh! you guys are going to have red headed kids for sure" it was just fading way too quickly all the time. But the dark is good too! and, AND it has a really awesome green streak in it. I was trying to talk everyone I know into putting some green in their hair but no one would do it so I had to step up and handle it. You can't see it in this picture, but trust me, it is very cool looking. I get a lot of comments on it too, but happily no one has yet mistaken THAT for something my body produced naturally.